► 9/11: Synthetic Terror [Made In U.S.A.]
► How 9/11 Was Done (Pak Alert Press)
► How Israeli Terrorism And American Treason Caused The September 11th Attacks (David Duke)
► Made In Israel: 9-11 And The Jewish Plot Against America (Victor Thorn, WING TV & Sisyphus Press)
► Masters Of Deception: Zionism, 9/11 And The War On Terror Hoax (Zander C. Fuerza)
► Pilot Explains 9/11 Truth (Jim Stone & Mike Phillips)
► Plane Lands In Cleveland: Bomb Feared Aboard (Liz Foreman, WCPO & America Attacked) [News article from 09/11/2001 which COMPLETELY DESTROYS the 9/11 narrative]
► President Bush Exposed For Provable And Blatant Lies Over September 11th (David Icke)
► Scamming America: The Official 9/11 Cover-Up Guide (New York 9/11 Truth Group, The Kean Commission Hearings, Nafeez Ahmed, Carol Brouillet, Michel Chossudovsky, Allen Duncan, Family Steering Committee, Catherine Austin Fitts, Cristian Fleming, Nico Haupt, Kyle Hence, Sander Hicks, Jared Israel, John Judge, Michael Kane, David Kubiak, Nicholas Levis, Joyce Lynn, Michael Ruppert, Paul Thompson, SGTV, Ian Woods & Barrie Zwicker)
► Solving 9/11: The Deception That Changed The World (Christopher Bollyn)
► Stranger Than Fiction: An Independent Investigation Of 9/11 And The War On Terrorism (Albert D. Pastore, The French Connection & I Am The Witness)
► The Truth About 9/11: How Jewish Manipulation Killed Thousands (Matt Hale)