So are we just royally FUCKED? Destined to be bullied by the zionists ad infinitum? NOOOOOPE . . .Enter . . . #ProjectDelilah. It takes it's name from the biblical Delilah (the Samson Option . . . #ProjectDelilah . . . starting to get the picture?). So what exactly IS #ProjectDelilah? Well, it's a CAUSE . . . a MOVEMENT . . . a way for humanity to fight back against the zionists; a multi-faceted method for us to subvert the implementation of their evil agenda and to take back the system so that we can reform it for the better. How will we accomplish this? By taking CALULATED STEPS to not only EXPOSE them for the rat bastards that they are, but also by acting PRAGMATICALLY and hitting them where it REALLY counts, AT HOME and in their POCKET BOOKS.
Like I said, this process is multi-faceted. In a nutshell, we must implement the following steps:
1) KNOWLEDGE: Study, learn & inform ourselves of the zionists and their agenda.
2) SHARE: Spread that knowledge and share it with others.
3) EXPOSE: Publically name and shame the zionists, as well as those who aid them and are complicit to their agenda.
4) PUBLIC SUPPORT: We must stay transparent and honest in our actions and publicly present them in an open forum in order to get the masses on our side.
5) BOYCOTT: Refuse to financially support the zionists and those who aid them.
6) ATYPICAL RETALIATION: We must refuse to play the zionist's game and fight back in ways that don't play into their plans.
7) SURGICAL STRIKES: We must subvert the specific areas and tatctics that the zionists use to control the masses.
Each of these steps will be systematically and thoroughly broken down and explained below.
On a individual level, we must personally become as informed as possible as to who the zionists are, what their agenda is, how it is implemented and who aids them in doing so. In a textbook sense, "zionism" is the effort to establish Israel as a permanent home nation for the Jews. In reality, it is much more sinister. It includes the subversion of ALL other nations and states, the control of ALL of the world's money and natural resources and the implementation of their religious ideologies as the ONLY permissable belief system.
Who are the zionists? Among their ranks you will find bankers, politicians, religious zealots, captains of industry, media moguls; pretty much anyone who has any sort of rank or influence of anyone else is succeptable to their ideology. It is not an ideology based solely on religion, but one of POWER and CONTROL.
One person CAN change this world, but there is POWER IN NUMBERS! We must commune not only in person, but online (especially via social media) to share our information and knowledge with others. We must organize social media groups (THINK: Facebook, Mysace, Google+, blogs, forums, etc.) and mailing lists (both physical and electronic). Make it your goal to share EVERYTHING that you've learned with as many people as possible!
We must publically expose the evil-doers and those who are complicit with their agenda. Put their names and actions out there for the masses to see. Use blogs, social media, call into radio and television shows, write to your elected officials, post flyers, go on your local radio or public access television shows. We must not only expose their names and actions, but explain WHY those actions are bad and HOW they negatively affect the masses. Let's make these assholes afraid to show their faces in public!
Once the zionists' evil actions and agenda have been publically exposed, we can get the masses on our side. This can be done through social media, billboards, public expressions of support & disobedience, door-to-door recruitment, mailing lists, etc.; ANYTHING that can bring attention to our cause. Once properly explained, you will be surprised how many people are on the same page as we are and didn't even know it, or didn't know how to go about fighting back! We must keep ALL of our actions transparent. Remember, we have NOTHING to hide! WE are the ones in the RIGHT!
We are going to hit them where it hurts: in the POCKETBOOK! Boycott the brands that are produced by or support the zionists. By refusing to give them our money, we are refusing to comply with their agenda. Money is a form of CONTROL. By not giving them our money, we are showing them that we REFUSE TO BE CONTROLLED. This boycott doesn't just apply to shopping. REFUSE to pay taxes and follow unjust laws (REMEMBER: your vote for the politicians who passed those laws DIDN'T COUNT to begin with!). THINK FOR YOURSELF!!! Barter and trade instead of using the zionists' bank-issued currency, or use alternative currencies. For your transportation needs, stop relying on fossil fuels whose extraction from the Earth require the RAPING OF OUR PLANET. Instead, ride a bike or use an electric vehicle!
The zionists have their agenda well-planned out. We have to implement our strategy in ways they they don't anticipate and that don't play into their plans. We have to infiltrate their organizations in order to sabbotage them from both the inside and the outside. Do things that benefit our cause, yet seem irrelivent or unimportant to the zionists. Zig when they expect you to zag. They expect us to have knee-jerk reactions and not plan ahead like they do. They think that we are are sheep, so we have to prove them wrong! What's the main type of atypical retaliation that we should focus on? NON-VIOLENT RESISTANCE! Ideas for non-violent resistence include: PUBLIC SPEECHES, PETITIONS, MASS PUBLIC PROTESTS, GRAFFITI, HANDING OUT PAMPHLETS & FLYERS, BILLBOARDS (don't PAY for one, just ALTER the ones that are already there), LOBBYING, VANDALISM, MARCHES & PARADES, MASS WALK-OUTS & SIT-INS, EMPLOYMENT STRIKES, REFUSAL TO PAY GOVERNMENT FEES & BILLS, MASS WITHDRAWAL OF ASSETS FROM CORPORATE BANKS, REFUSAL TO WORK, REFUSAL TO COMPLY WITH CORRUPT LAWS & ORDINANCES, BLOCKADES, HUNGER STRIKES, etc.
This is where the TALK meets the WALK. When non-violent resistance has taken us as far as we can go, we must meet fire with FIRE. The zionists have MORE than proven that they have absolutely NO problem murding us (en masse at that!), so we CANNOT be afraid to play hardball here! What does that mean? We must act with extreme PRECISION, pinpointing the KEY FIGURES in the zionist machine and NEUTRALIZING them. What does that entail? Though it may sound harsh, we CANNOT be afraid to use EXTREME tactics if necessary: KIDNAP ZIONIST LEADERS AND USE THEM AS BARTERING COLLATERAL, BOMB & SET FIRE TO ZIONIST INSTITUTIONS (banks, governement buildings, etc.) & THE HOMES OF ZIONIST LEADERS (when no innocent civilians are present), DESTROY THE ZIONISTS' PERSONAL BELONGINGS (vehicles, boats, furniture, clothes, etc.). REMEMBER: anything that you do to them, they have ALREADY done worse to us, a thousand times over!
Use the box below to share your contributions to #ProjectDelilah and to connect with other activists.
For far too long, zionist Israel has blackmailed and held the world nuclear hostage using something they call "The Samson Option." If any person, nation or group tries to subvert the zionist agenda in any meaningful way or tries to wipe zionist Israel off the map, Israel will launch an all-out nuclear assault against THE ENTIRE PLANET. Basically, if they're going down, they plan on taking the rest of the world down with them. The strategy takes its name from the biblical Samson whom, after being captured by the Philistines, brought down and destroyed the Philistine temple in which he was being held captive by collapsing its pillars, thus killing all of his captors, as well as himself in the process.
Here's a quote from ex-NSA agent 'Jim Stone:' "Israel's main strategy has been to smuggle nuclear weapons into sensitive areas of nations under the disguise of security contracts. These security contracts use "proprietary" equipment that is maintained ONLY by Israelis. In this particular case, the proprietary equipment is stated to be "biscopic" cameras which are put in place by security companies operating as front companies on behalf of the Israeli Defense Forces. "Magna BSP," the company which provided "security" at the Fukushima nuclear facility in Japan, is one of them. During my investigation of the Fukushima mission, I studied Magna BSP and discovered that in addition to Japan, they also got security contracts in Brazil, Germany and the United States. All 4 of these countries have provided massive financial "bailouts" to zionist bankers, and though I have not proven that all of these countries were blackmailed with the threat of a nuclear armageddon, the coincidence is very suspicious; and given what happened in Japan, even a little more than suspicious. In the Fukushima report, the reason given was that Japan offered to enrich uranium for Iran, but shortly there after, Japan damaged it's economy by surrendering $1.7 TRILLION USD to Jewish bankers, even though no prior debt was owed."