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Welcome to the Conscious Awareness ENCYCLOPEDIA. It is constantly being updated, so check back often! Feel free to read, download and share anything that you find here. All files are in PDF and are listed alphabetically by category. Click on a category below to access the page containing those documents. EVERYTHING is connected and sometimes things aren't so easily categorized, so explore these archives and see what connections you can make. Knowledge is power! Stay conscious my friends.
► 1953 CIA Iran Coup
► 9/11
► Aliens, Extraterrestrials & UFO's
► Anarchism
► Ancient Sciences, Arts & Practices
► Anonymous
► Audio & Visual
► Awakenings
► Banksters
► Bilderberg Group
► Biographies
► Bush Family Crime Syndicate
► Christianity & Jesus
► CIA [Central Intelligence Agency]
► Classism
► Climate Change
► Cold War
► Committee Of 300
► Compilations
► Conspiracies
► Council On Foreign Relations
► Drugs
► End Of The World
► Evolution
► European Union
► Fabian Society
► False Flag Operation
► Federal Reserve
► FEMA Camps
► Frank Olson Murder
► Freemasonry
► Fukushima
► Future Studies
► GCHQ [British Intelligence]
► Geography & Environmental Issues
► GMO's [Genetically Modified Organisms]
► Government, Legal & Politics
► Government Secrecy
► Gulf Of Tonkin
► Health & Medical
► History
► Hollow Earth
► Holocaust Hoax
► Human Condition
► Internet Monitoring
► IRS [Internal Revenue Service]
► Israel
► Jesuits
► Jews & Judaism
► JFK [John Fitzgerald Kennedy]
► Kremlin
► Land Grab
► Language
► Lost & Ancient Civilizations
► Majestic-12
► Malaysia Airlines Flight MH370
► Mark Of The Beast
► Martial Arts & Physical Fitness
► Mathematics
► Matrix
► Military
► Mind Control
► Money
► NASA [National Aeronautics And Space Administration]
► Nazism
► New Age
► Nuclear Issues & Studies
► NWO [New World Order]
► Obama
► Occult
► Outer Space & Interplanetary Studies
► Palestine
► Paranormal & Psychic Phenomena
► Philadelphia Experiment
► Physics & Spacetime
► Planets
► Plants & Animals
► Power Grid & Energy
► Project BULLRUN
► Project Garden Plot
► Project Monarch
► Project Northwoods
► Project SERPO
► Project Winterhaven
► Racism
► Rockefellers
► Rothschilds
► Science
► Secret Air Force & Outer Space Travel
► Secret Government Projects
► Secret Societies
► Self Improvement
► Skull & Bones Society
► Slavery
► Social Engineering
► Socialism
► Solomon
► Statism
► Surveillance State
► Survival & Homesteading
► Technology & Computer Issues
► Terrorism
► Tesla
► Transhumanism
► Trans-Pacific Partnership
► U.S. Foreign Operations
► U.S. Secret Service
► Vatican
► Voluntaryism & Libertarianism
► Weapons Trafficking
► World War II
► World War III
► Zionism
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