Ancient Sciences, Arts & Practices
► 1611 Chemical Treatise Of Arnoldus De Nova Villa (Arnoldus De Nova Villa, Bodleian Library, M. S. Ashmole & Hereward Tilton)
► 18th Century Chemical Terms List (Sacred-Magick)
► Acoustic Levitation Of Stones (Bruce Cathie & Pleiades Library)
► Alchemical Symbols (Unicode)
► Alchemy: Ancient And Modern (Herbert Stanley Redgrove, Abika & Sacred-Magick)
► Alchemy: The Ancient Science (Neil Powell & The Supernatural)
► Alchemy: The Black Art (David Cheribum, Order of the Thelemic Golden Dawn, The Aleister Crowley Foundation & Sacred-Magick)
► Alchemy Unveiled (Johannes Helmond, Sacred-Magick, Rohm Verlag Bietigheim, Gerhard Hanswille, Deborah Brumlich, The Order of the Hermetic Initiated Gold, The Rosicrucians & Monte Abiegno)
► Astronomical Geomancy (Gerard Cremonensis)
► Bad Astronomy: Misconceptions And Misuses Revealed, From Astrology To The Moon Landing Hoax (Philip Plait & Tina Cash Walsh)
► A French Method Of Fortune Telling By Cards (A. E. Waite, Meghan Roberts & Greg Wotton)
► Geomancy (Henry Cornelius Agrippa)
► A Handbook Of Geomancy (Sacred-Magick)
► The Hieroglyphic Monad (John Dee, Maximilian & Benjamin Rowe)
► Sacred Science (The Sacred Science Team)
► A Short Course In Scrying (Benjamin Rowe & Sacred-Magick)
► A Work of Saturn (Johann Isaac Hollandus & Joshua Ben Arent)