What Is Behind The Recent String Of Banker
May 8, 2014
The recent string of banker
deaths has raised NUMEROUS
questions. What do the deaths
have in common? What is behind
the deaths? What are we NOT
being told? Most hypotheses have
already been exhausted. I want to
take a closer look at a couple of
specific angle that I believe need to be explored even further. Here are some facts that need to be considered:
1) Insurance Policies: Profiting Off Of Death
– Wall Street mega-banks hold over $680 BILLION USD in life insurance policies on their workers, payable to the BANKS, NOT the families upon an employee’s death. The policies are known as Bank-Owned Life Insurance (BOLI) and Corporate-Owned Life Insurance (COLI) policies.
– The details of the dead bankers’ life insurance policies have been marked “CLASSIFIED” on the grounds that they contain “trade secrets.”
– Are mega-banks killing off key employees in order to profit off of their life insurance policies?
2) Foreign Exchange Market Fraud
– It has been reported that the dead bankers were killed off by their employers in order to keep them from blowing the whistle regarding Foreign Exchange Market (FOREX) fraud on behalf of the banks.
– The banker hits are said to be being murdered by people/groups with ties to the Bush family crime syndicate in order to keep the employees from testifying after they flipped during recent prosecution investigation. The dead bankers are said to have been cooperating with Interpol and local police.
– The dead London bankers are believed to have discovered that the mega-banks were working with the MAFIA and the VATICAN in order to defraud Foreign Exchange Markets, as well as the trafficking of narcotics and drug money.
3) Gold Rehypothecation & Repatriation
– “Rehypothecation” is the practice by banks and
brokers of using, for their own purposes, assets that
have been posted as collateral by their clients. The
mega banks at which the dead bankers worked had
been using investors’ funds for their own purposes.
– The privately-owned banks of the United States were
recently unable to fully repatriate (return to its place
of origin) the entire lot of German gold that was being
held be the United States upon Germany’s request.
– The U.S. Federal Reserve, London and Paris were
caught red-handed gambling with German gold
reserves on FOREX.