Are The Russians Hiding A Global
May 3, 2014
An interesting 2011 interview featuring
recently surfaced. Zhirinovsky is a
Russian politician, political activist and
Army Colonel. In the interview,
Zhirinovsky alludes to a secret
weapon which Russia possesses.
In the interview, Zhirinovsky says:
“Washington has no future. That
artificial state will collapse, then
this old Europe will collapse; a
continent with no importance whatsoever. China is also about to explode. And what remains is Russia, in
possession of orbital launch capability and space power. Russia, with lots of money and resources and weapons which NOBODY knows ANYTHING about … not yet. With these weapons, we will DESTROY any part of the planet within 15 minutes. No explosion. No ray burst. Not some kind of a laser. Not lightning. It is a calm and quiet weapon instead, with which whole continents will be put to sleep, forever.That’s all for now.”
This sounds similar to the U.S. Military’s HAARP [High Frequency Active Auroral Program] technology, which is capable of at-will, on-the-fly weather modification, including tsunamis, lightning storms, tornado and earthquake induction and even volcano activation. This technology is nothing new. NIKOLA TESLA created a machine that could induce earthquakes all the way back in 1886. Here is a TIMELINE of his technology and its utilization, which could have been the beginning of [if not a HUGE LEAP forward in already-ongoing] seismic and atmospheric modification.
In the interview, the overzealous Zhirinovsky also challenged Japan to proliferate their decades-old dispute regarding the Kuril Islands, threatens to wipe the country of Georgia off the map and puts the ENTIRE WORLD on notice (dude’s swinging some heavy brass here):
“There was a tsunami in Japan, right? I say, if you want even the TINIEST Kuril Island from us, you will have to dig in the wreckage and debris of their buildings. And 120 million of you will ALL DIE! And that goes for the rest of the world, too. Everybody should start thinking about their own future, and the future of everybody else. Are you still thinking about selling your Georgian wine to Russia now?! You want U.N. observers at the border? Do you want the world to forget the word “Georgia” completely?! It will be the Russian-Turkish border instead! Think about THAT, President Sakashvili! Then there will be ANOTHER tsunami on the OTHER side of the planet, in the Caucasus! That will be the end of you!”
[NOTE: There was no "tsunami" involved in the 3/11 disaster at Fukushima. This has been MORE than proven.]
● HAARP: In-Depth (Canadian Broadcasting Corporation)
● That’s Impossible: Weather Warfare (History Channel)
So what is this "SOVIET
It’s most likely multifaceted. HAARP’s atmospheric
technology is decades old (but still effective as all hell), so
that has to be one angle of it. Zhirinovsky’s mentioning of
building being in the state of “wreckage and debris” leads
me to believe that they are also focusing on the SEISMIC
aspect of the weapons system.
Defected Soviet Army Officer STANISLAV LUNEV spoke
of Russian-made devices which could simulate
earthquakes by increasing the natural seismic waves of the
Earth’s tectonic plates (this was in the late 1970′s – early
1980′s mind you, who knows how much more advanced
they are now?) He also said that at the time, Russia had
over 100 undetectable spy satellites orbiting the globe.
This sort of space-to-earth (or air-to-ground) technology ties in perfectly with what we know as far as HAARP technology’s operating procedures go. [The FULL REPORT is a goodread. He speaks of advanced Russian technologies such as lasers, low-frequency radio wave weapons and backpack nukes, as well as a Soviet bunker underneath the Ural Mountains that is the size of the Washington DC Beltway and Russia's long-term plans to destroy the U.S.].
Russia has been known to delve into the “seismic arts.” In the 1970′s, they executed the deepest (to date) drilling into the Earth’s crust at 40,230 feet [7.62 miles]. They also have an underground nuclear Military base beneath the port city of Murmansk.
The (somewhat) smoking gun for the alluded-to weapons
system appears to be Russia’s PROJECT MERCURY and
“The theory was that underground nuclear explosions
could trigger earthquakes far from the site of the
original blast. Researchers speculated the destructive
force released would be many times greater than the
nuclear blast, that it could be directed toward any point
on earth and that there was no way to guard against it,”
said scientist KAREN NAKAMURA.
But the Soviets aren’t the only ones utilizing TECTONIC
WEAPONS. New Zealand attempted to use bombs to
create tsunamis during World War II under the banner of
Project Seal. And in a joint international project entitled
“Induced Seismicity Due To Electromagnetic Impact
Caused By Magnetohydrodynamic (MHD) Generator,”
Japan, Russia and the United States joined forces study the
effects of inducing controlled electromagnetic pulses into the
Earth’s crust.