November 2013 News Feed Archive
► New Pope Says Capitalism Is "Tyranny"
► Mississippi School Officials Urges Children Not To Tell Parents What They Do In Class
► DARPA's 6-Foot, 330-Pound "Atlas" Robot
► NYPD's Illegal Stop-And-Frisk Policy
► Mexican Government Releases Mayan Documents Proving ET Contact [ENGLISH TRANSLATION]
► Vaccine Kills At Least 8 Infants
► U.S. District Court Declares Religious Income Tax Exceptions Unconstitutional
► Zionist Agent Provacateur ALEX JONES Sets Up Protesters In Dallas Terror Plot
► Which U.S. Companies Screw Their Workers The Worst?
► This Obscure Law Affects Everything You Eat
► ZIONIST ISRAEL: The Third Rail Of Journalism
► 1,500 Year-Old Bible Unearthed In Turkey
► QUANTITIVE EASING: The Greatest Backdoor Wall Street Bailout In History
► Jews Sacrifice Gentile Children As Blood Sacrifice To Lucifer
► An Expose On The Child Abuse Industry [PDF]
► China Unveils 3-D Bio-Printer [VIDEO]
► Reverse-Engineering The Illuminati Mindset (Part 1: On The Inside Of Darkness)
► Proof LAX Shooting Was A Hoax
► CNN Admits No Plane Parts Found At Pentagon On 9/11 [VIDEO]
► School Children Reciting Illuminati Mantra On 9/11 [VIDEO]