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November 5, 2014
In Operation Condor, an
people lost their lives in what
became one of the deadliest
political repression and terror
operations in history. Another
30,000+ "disappeared" and over
400,000 more were arrested
and imprisoned.
In 1975, the right-wing South American military (and para-military) dictatorships of Bolivia, Chile, Argentina, Brazil,
Paraguay and Uruguay joined forces and conspired to eliminate their left-wing opposition and to surpress political and civil uprisings. Their plans inlcuded the trade of sensitive information and state secrets, as well as the kidnapping, torture and murder of their domestic foes and their fellow countrymen, women and children who left their respective countries in exile over the poor and dangerous living conditions. The genesis of the terror operationis said to trace back to Brazilian General BRENO BORGES FORTES, who suggested the plan at the September 3rd, 1973 Conference Of American Armies in Caracas, but considering that the corrupt U.S. government (and The-Powers-That-Be who control that government) was involved, we can safely assume that they were the impetus behind Operation condor.
Those six South American nations were not alone in their efforts. The United States government privately backed the clandestine operations, both financially and militarily, for their duration [SEE: Operation Charly]. Ecuador,
Colombia, Venezuela and Peru later joined the efforts as well. The Italian and French governments also provided assistance behind the scenes.
Operation Condor used sheer violence to impose their agenda on the masses and their enemies. They has 3 main detention/torture centers:
► Esmeralda (BE-43), a massive Chilean Navy sealiner.
► Estadio Nacional Julio Martinez Pradanos, the national stadium of Chile. It has an official capacity of 47,000 people.
► Villa Grimaldi, Chile's main detention and torture center and prison.
Operation Condor was a long time in the making, beginning decades earlier:
► Backed by the U.S., Paraguayan General ALFREDO STROESSNER took contrl of Paraguay in 1954.
► The Brazilian military (backed by the U.S.) overthrew President JOAO GOULART in 1964.
► With U.S. backing, Bolivian General HUGO BANZAR took control of Bolivia in 1971 through a series of coups.
► Backed by the U.S., paramilitary forces loyal to General AUGUSTO PINOCHET bombed the Chilean Presidential palace on September 11th, 1973 (another 9/11!), overthrowing then-democratically-elected President SALVADOR ALLENDE. [SEE ALSO: Operation Colombo]
► With U.S. backing, General JORGE RAFAEL VIDELA and his paramilitary forces seized power in Argenitna on March 24th, 1976. [SEE ALSO: Argentinian Dirty War]
► Beginning in 1948, Operation Bootstrap established a U.S. influence and base in Latin America.
► In 1954, the U.S. backed a coup d'etat in Guatemala, leading to a Guatemalan civil war which lasted nearly 4 decades. [SEE ALSO: Operation PBFORTUNE, Operation PBHistory, Operation Washtub]
► The U.S. government overthrew Domenican Republic Preisdent RAFAEL TRUJILLO on May 3rd, 1961.
► In 1903, the U.S. backed Panama's cessation from Colombia. The U.S. later profited from the construction of the Panama Canal.
► U.S. troops occupied Honduras from 1903 to 1925 in order to protect U.S. interests in the area.
Major events in Operation Condor:
► In 1977, Argentina enlisted the help of German Nazi war criminal KLAUS BARBIE and Italian Operation Gladio operative STEFANO DELLE CHIAIE to help assist Bolivian General LUIS GARCIA MEZA TEJADA in his "Cocaine Coup" in Bolivia.
► In April of 1977, Las Madres De La Plaza De Mayo, a group of mothers whose children has been abducted in Operation Condor, began publically demonstrating against the Argentinian military dictatorship. Several of the groups members and leaders later "disappeared" and were murdered.
► In November of 1978, an event known as "O Sequestro Dos Uruguaios" (or "The Kidnapping Of The Uruguayans") took place in Uruguay. The Brazilian military crossed into Uruguay and kidnapped Uruguayan political activists UNIVERSINDO RODRIGUEZ, LILIAN CELIBERTI and their two small children, CAMILO (age 5) and FRANCESCA (age 3). Tipped off by an anonymous phone call, reporter LUIS CLAUDIO CUNHA and photographer JOAO BAPTISTA SCALCO from Veja MAgazine magazine were informed of the activists' disappearances. They publically reported on the kidnappings, exposing the clandestine operations and saving the lives of the activists, who were held in captivity until democracy was restored in Uruguay in 1984.
► After being overthrown, ex-Brazilian President JOAO GOULART died in his sleep on December 6th, 1976 after being poisoned.
► Ex-Brazilian President JUSCELINO KUBITSCHEK was assassinated on August 22nd, 1976 in a car "accident."
► Chilean Socialist Party leader CARLOS ALTAMIRANO survived a failed assassination attempt in 1975.
► Chilean General CARLOS PRATS were murdered by a car bomb on September 30th, 1974 in Buenos Aires, Argentina.
► Chilean Employment Minister BERNARDO LEIGHTON and his wife survived a failed asassination attempt on October 5th, 1976 while in exile in Rome.
► Former Chilean minister and political activist ORLANDO LETELIER and his assistant, RONNI MOFFITT, were murdered by a car bomb on September 21st, 1976.
► In the late 1970's, Operacion Silencio (or "Operation Silence") was initiated. It was a clandestine Chilean operation designed to impede investigations into Operation Condor by Chilean judges by forcefully removing witnesses from the country. It went on for decades.
► The Uruguayan military dictatorship threatened to assassinate U.S. Congressman EDWARD KOCH for impeding Operation Condor.
► EDGARDO ENRIQUEZ, leader of the Chilean Revolutionary Left Movement, "disappeared" in the late 1970's, along with fellow members JORGE FUENTES, ALEXEI JACCARD and RICARDO RAMIREZ.
► Paraguayan activist MARTIN ALMADA was arrested in 1974, jailed and tortured for 3 years.
► Socialist Party member VICTOR OLEA ALEGRIA "disappeared" on September 11th (the zionists LOVE this date!), 1974.
► British businessman WILLIAM BEAUSIRE was abducted and tortured in Chile, then he "disappeared."
► CRECENCIO GALANEGA HERNANDEZ and JESUS CEJAS ARIAS, Cuban diplomats in Argentina, "disappeared" on August 9th, 1976.
► President of the Revolutionary Left Movement, ANDRES PASCAL ALLENDE, was assassinated in Costa Rica in March of 1976.
► Spanish diplomat CARMELO SORIA was assasinated on July 21st, 1976.
► Left-wing opposition leaders JORGE ZAFFARONI and MARIA EMILIA ISLAS DE ZAFFARONI (of the Tupamaros National Liberation Movement) were kidnapped in Buenos Aires by the Argentinian Army's 601 Intelligence Battalion on September 29th, 1976.
► DAGMAR INGRID HAGELIN, a 17-year-old Swedish National, was kidnapped and shot by a member of the Argentinian Navy in 1977. He later "disappeared."
► Renown poet JUAN GELMAN had his son and pregnant daughter-in-law imprisoned in Uruguay. Their baby was born in prison and confiscated by the Uruguayan military.
► The "Caravan Of Death" was a Chilean Army death squad that operated between September 30th and October 22nd of 1973. They murdered 97 people in cold blood.
► The U.S. backed a civil war in El Salvador from 1979 to 1992 [SEE ALSO: Operation Kufire, Operation Kugown]
► In the 1970's, the U.S. backed a revolutionary war in Nicaragua, leading to the Contra War. The U.S. further attempted to overthrow the governement until 1990.
The aftermath of Operation Condor:
Operation Condor "officially" came to a close following The Falklands War when Argentina finally ousted its military dictatorship in 1983 installed a democratically-elected government (the U.S. using war to "spread democracy," . . sound familiar?)
The operation permanently destabliized the Latin America, leading to decades of violence and unrest that continue to this day. [SEE: 2002 Venezuelan Coup D'etat, 2014 Venezuelan Protests]
While nearly all of those who participated in these sickening dislpays of human rights abuses and crimes against humanity have gotten of scott-free, there were some glaring exceptions:
Further reading:

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