What's Going To Happen In 2025?
May 23, 2014
I was recently going through my collection of documents
and found that ONE particular date stuck out like a sore
thumb (and no, it’s not December 21st, 2012). First, it
was a document from the Office of the U.S. Director of
National Security entitled “Global Trends 2025: A
Transformed World.” Next, it was NASA’s “Future
Strategic Issues / Future Warfare [Circa 2025].”
Thirdly, there was the U.S. Air Force’s “Weather As A
Force Multiplier: Owning The Weather In 2025.” Next,
it was “Global Governance 2025: At A Critical
Juncture,” from the European Union and the Office of
the U.S. Director of National Security. These documents
all point to ONE particular year: 2025.
What is so special about 2025? Well, I’m not sure yet, but let’s take a look:
● The global population is expected to reach 8 BILLION in 2025. What will this mean for our already-strained natural resources?
● China is planning a manned mission to the
moon in 2025. How will this affect the balance
of power between space-faring nations and
their militaries?
● A permanent human colony is expected to
be established on Mars in 2025.
● The fabrication of complete, functional 3D-printed organs
is expected to be possible by 2025. What will this mean for
the future of medicine?
● By 2025, more than 50% of the Earth’s natural landscape
will be used up, possibly causing the ecological web that
sustains humanity to collapse beyond repair.
● The U.S. Air Force will be employing the use of hypersonic
weapons in 2025. What will this mean for the future of warfare?
I also came across an article about a man named ALFRED
BIELEK (R.I.P. October 2011) who claims to have been a part
of the Montauk Project. Similar to the Philadelphia
Experiment under Project Rainbow and the Phoenix Project, it was a secret U.S. government project exploring time travel, cloaking and teleportation. The project was said to have taken place at Camp Hero on the Montauk Air Force Base in Long Island, New York. Like other claims of time travel and the sort, I take them with a grain of salt.
In the article, Bielek claims to have traveled as far
forward in time as 2749. He stated that in the 21st
century, our planet underwent geographical
changes until the year (you guessed it) 2025.
● In Hindu philosophy, the Ascending Kali Yuga
(Iron Age), the 2,700 year-long epoch in which we
are currently living, will come to an end in 2025.
● Numerous near-Earth objects will be passing
close to Earth in 2025.
● The global energy market could be facing a
massive oil shortage by 2025 helping to bring an
end to the U.S.’ global military power, possibly
making way for a Chinese take-over.
● The dominance of the U.S.’ petrodollar is
expected to decline by 2025, paving the way for other currencies to take the reigns as the global reserve currency.
● Global wealth is expected to move heavily from the West to the East, being concentrated mainly under state control. What will this mean for the U.S.’ dominance as a world power?
● Some biblical scholars believe that a series of
great tribulation cycles will climax in 2025.
● A partial solar eclipse is expected to occur on
September 21st, 2025.
● The size of the United Nations’ Security Council is
expected to double from 15 nations to 30 by 2025.
● Fresh water is expected to become increasingly
scarce by 2025.
● Only 6 national economies are expected to
account for HALF of all global economic growth.
Separately, all of these facts might not mean much.
But together, what will they mean for 2025, and what
will that year have in store for us?